captain holly java blog

Slowloris vs tomcat

Posted in security, tomcat, Uncategorized by mcgyver5 on June 19, 2009

RSnake has been thinking about a denial of service attack against web servers that involves sending partial http packets to use up number of allowed clients. Sending carefully crafted partial packet causes the server to take A LONG TIME to work on the response to your request, using up its resources and becoming temporarily unavailable to other visitors. Apache HTTPD is mentioned as a server that is vulnerable. IIS is mentioned as one that is not. RSnake, being a realist and not an anti-microsoft evangelist, often says things that make the open source advocates uncomfortable. (“PHP is the bane of my existence” and “Whenever I assess a dot net application I know right off the bat that I’m going to find half the number of vulnerabilities”).

A few notes about Slowloris: It can’t effectively dos a box from windows because it works by creating hundreds of Sockets and Windows only allows a max of 130. It doesn’t crash anything, so it is a gentle tool(haha) It just happens to make web applications unavailable for as long as the attacker wishes. It does, by the way, send out hundreds of packets so it is detectable by the administrator.

To use Slowloris, first establish a timeout for the web server you are attacking:
./ -dns http://localhost -port 8080 -test

this should return some numbers to use for a timeout.

They don’t mention tomcat, so I spent most of the afternoon setting up a machine to see if this tool can DOS tomcat.

drum roll please….

slowloris test

slowloris test

clear that we’ll be using a 5 second timeout for TCP and a 30000 millisecond timeout for http.
./ -dns localhost -port 8080 -timeout 30000 -num 500 -tcpto 5

the above opens 500 sockets and uses a tcp timeout of 5 seconds and looks like this:

slowloris execution

slowloris execution

now, try and connect to the benighted tomcat server.
hmmm. works fine. What gives?  I suspect that as this number of connections (500), I am still able to get a connection.  The first visit takes a really long time, but once I get through, I can use the site normally.  This matches the statement in the documentation that ”    “.  If I raise the number of connections….  It still takes a very long time to load the first page, but thereafter is just as easy to access the application.

When I run slowloris on the same server, however, tomcat is completely DOS-ED.    I’m impressed with the absolute unavailablity of tomcat in relation to the low level of traffic that slowloris generates.

ooooh.   I thought I was supposed to convert 30 seconds into milliseconds.  wrong!  setting the timeout this high  (30,000 seconds) is clearly too high.  When I set it down to 30, slowloris CRUSHED tomcat.  remotely or locally.  As you can see below, setting the timeout correctly allowed many more packets to be sent.

slowloris success

slowloris success

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